Recent Commercial Posts

Essential commercial cleaning services for businesses

7/18/2024 (Permalink)

Maintaining a clean and healthy environment is crucial for businesses.

Here are essential commercial cleaning services:

  1. Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning: Regular cleaning of carpets and upholstery to remove dirt, stains, and allergens, ensuring a healthy workspace.

  2. HVAC Cleaning: Clean and maintain HVAC systems to improve air quality and prevent the spread of contaminants.

  3. Deep Cleaning: Periodic deep cleaning of all surfaces, including floors, walls, and ceilings, to eliminate germs and bacteria.

  4. Restroom Sanitization: Regular and thorough cleaning of restrooms to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of germs.

  5. Disinfection Services: Use of EPA-approved disinfectants to sanitize high-touch surfaces and reduce the risk of illness.

For professional commercial cleaning services, call SERVPRO of West Concord at (925) 681-9093.

Creating A Disaster Plan

6/2/2023 (Permalink)

Natural disasters have an enormous impact on small businesses, especially start-ups and cash-only businesses. The livelihood of both the owner and employees are jeopardized, an a plan must be in place to protect all parties involved. The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that 40% of small businesses fail to re-open after a natural disaster. With preparation, you can greatly increase the chance of your business recovering.

An emergency plan should be formed when the business is formed. Insurance becomes a key component of this plan, requiring careful consideration of all assets and deciding on the best insurance policy. For example, will natural disaster or looting insurance be included or added on later? Use the following steps as a guide to develop a post-disaster plan to keep your business running after an emergency.

  • Follow up with employees: Address their concerns, and note if they are able to find temporary work or aid in the recovery process.
  • Develop a communication strategy: Delegate someone trusted to communicate with disaster relief services, suppliers, and financial institutions
  • Keep your data safe: Have a back-up of your business' files in multiple locations. Consider cloud based services since the data is stored remotely and can be accessed from multiple devices.
  • Seek a restoration expert: Restoration companies such as ours will come to your aid to listen to your concerns, minimize loss, fix damages, and find the best value out of your insurance coverage.
  • File an insurance claim: Examine policy and make sure there are no gaps. Also ask the questions, "Are additional damages covered? What are my deductibles?"
  • Disaster loan assistance: There are various government agencies and organizations that can help your business recover. Visit the U.S. Small Business Administration website to learn about their Disaster Loan Program to help fix property and restock supplies.

Preparation is vital to recovering from any disaster; no one is immune. With the right plan, your chance of re-opening will increase significantly. SERVPRO of West Concord is ready to answer your call and restore your small business back to new.

Can Hot Water Affect The Business

11/10/2022 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  2. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  3. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health issues, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

Commercial Remediation Is Key

11/10/2022 (Permalink)

Commercial Mold Remediation Presents Unique Challenges

Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. As in this case when the builder unknowingly put a few holes in the pipes during construction. 

Commercial property can quickly become infested with mold if a source of water is present. Mold can spread throughout a property in as little as 72 hours. Since mold can produce allergens and irritants, you should call us 24/7  to inspect your building if you suspect you have a mold problem. If mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation quickly, which will keep your business running and loss of revenue to a minimum. 

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Antioch can respond quickly, working to first contain and isolate the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Which is essential when you need to keep business going. 

Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to pre loss condition.

Plan For The Commercial Fire Damage

11/10/2022 (Permalink)

A complete plan includes the following elements:

  • A quick response from fire remediation specialists
  • Action to secure the building from looters
  • Equipment in place to deal with water removal
  • A dry-cleaning strategy for uniforms and other fabrics
  • The storage of contents
  • The restoration of the building

All of these steps are necessary to get your business up and running again. The fire remediation professionals will work quickly to restore your building to its condition before the fire happened.

Why Content Cleaning Is Crucial

When a fire sweeps through your commercial building, there is likely to be some structural damage. There will also be damage from smoke and soot and this will have to be addressed before the building will be functional again. Specialized equipment in the hands of trained technicians will be needed. For clothes, dry-cleaning is the most effective approach, as it removes smoke odors and cleans away soot. For non-porous items, ultrasonic measures provide the best cleaning.

Another immediate concern is removing the excess moisture in the building. This can come from flooding due to a storm or from the efforts of the fire fighting crew. ventilation devices, scrubbers, and thermal foggers are employed to remove excess water and humidity. This is a crucial task to make certain mold doesn't begin to grow in areas of the building. Water removal will also help with retaining the viability of electrical equipment such as computer software and hardware. Content storage may be needed to remove items from the building while the cleanup is going on. This gets the items out of the way and keeps them protected while the work is going on.

Relying on a smart plan is the quickest way to recover after a commercial fire. Actions such as dry-cleaning, water removal, and drying allow your business to get up and running as rapidly as possible.

Creating A Plan For Fire Damage

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

A complete plan includes the following elements:

  • A quick response from fire remediation specialists
  • Action to secure the building from looters
  • Equipment in place to deal with water removal
  • A dry-cleaning strategy for uniforms and other fabrics
  • The storage of contents
  • The restoration of the building

All of these steps are necessary to get your business up and running again. The fire remediation professionals will work quickly to restore your building to its condition before the fire happened.

Why Content Cleaning Is Crucial

When a fire sweeps through your commercial building, there is likely to be some structural damage. There will also be damage from smoke and soot and this will have to be addressed before the building will be functional again. Specialized equipment in the hands of trained technicians will be needed. For clothes, dry-cleaning is the most effective approach, as it removes smoke odors and cleans away soot. For non-porous items, ultrasonic measures provide the best cleaning.

Another immediate concern is removing the excess moisture in the building. This can come from flooding due to a storm or from the efforts of the fire fighting crew. ventilation devices, scrubbers, and thermal foggers are employed to remove excess water and humidity. This is a crucial task to make certain mold doesn't begin to grow in areas of the building. Water removal will also help with retaining the viability of electrical equipment such as computer software and hardware. Content storage may be needed to remove items from the building while the cleanup is going on. This gets the items out of the way and keeps them protected while the work is going on.

Relying on a smart plan is the quickest way to recover after a commercial fire. Actions such as dry-cleaning, water removal, and drying allow your business to get up and running as rapidly as possible.

Commercial Water Mitigation Services

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

If you have a water emergency at your business such as a pipe burst cleanup or other flooding scenario, you'll need to call on the services of a professional water cleanup company to ensure that the job is done right. A restoration company will take the following steps to deal with the damage:

  1. Inspect and Diagnose

Once you make the call, the water mitigation company will come to the scene to make an inspection and test the water in order to determine which specialized equipment and methods are best suited to fixing the damage. 

2. Haul Out Contents
As soon as the situation is assessed, any items in the affected area, such as office equipment, electronics, furniture and documents, will be removed to a safe, dry area. Items will be sorted to determine what can and cannot be saved. Whatever can be salvaged will be cleaned, dried, deodorized and sanitized using specialized equipment and cleaning agents.

  1. Extract the Water
    Once everything has been taken out of the area, the water removal can begin. Depending on the cause of the water damage, whether it's a pipe burst cleanup, a supply line cleanup or removal of sewer water, different high-efficiency equipment will be used to remove the mess. Specialized sump pumps and trash pumps, in addition to truck-mounted water extractors, will be used to suck out as much moisture as possible. Any contaminated surfaces will be thoroughly sanitized.
  2. Dry and Dehumidify
    After the bulk of the water is extracted, steps will be taken to remove excess humidity from the air and moisture from hard-to-reach places. Heavy-duty air movers and dehumidifiers will be brought in to make sure everything is completely dry.

    5. Restore
    When everything has been completely dried and disinfected, structural restoration can begin. This might entail only minor repairs and painting or require the complete rebuilding of entire rooms, depending on the severity of the damage. 

Helpful Ways To Prevent Mold In A Commercial Setting

11/4/2022 (Permalink)

Why should you worry about mold in your building? According to OSHA, some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts. Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

Clean out Trash Cans

While you might switch out the liners regularly, can you remember the last time you washed out the trash cans? It’s easy for bits of food and condensation to sneak beneath liners into the can, which is all mold needs to grow. Try washing out office wastebaskets about once a month to prevent mold growth.

Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Leaks aren’t the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

Look for and Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, and more can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you aren’t regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to o unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem. Watch for telltale signs of a leak. 

Preparation For Terrible Weather

11/4/2022 (Permalink)

Business owners control many things, but weather isn’t one of them. Be it a snow storm, heavy rain or flooding, sooner or later, bad weather is bound to cause an inevitable hiccup in your business. Are you ready? The time to prepare is not when the forecast predicts a hurricane. Check out these ways to prepare your business for bad weather in West Concord long before it shows up.

Create a Bad Weather Plan

Surprisingly, while business owners make a written plan for many things, weather isn’t always one of them. But bad weather can create a perfect storm of issues, from pipe burst issues to logistical problems. Before those worst cases scenarios become realities, come up with a plan for how to operate in bad weather. It should cover

  • Who will communicate with employees in a weather crisis
  • Evacuation or shelter
  • What the overall business weather policy is

There are times when weather poses immediate danger. One example is if a snow storm leads to a fallen tree or debris that damages part of your facility. Having a plan for leaving the building is ideal for such scenarios. Outline the route employees should take to safety and have appropriate maps to ensure everyone knows how to get out. After your employees, protecting your building is the next priority. Invest in backup generators to keep critical devices running and safe while you’re out of the office for bad weather. If flooding is expected, gather sandbags for doors and windows and consider moving furniture and electrical equipment to higher levels to prevent water damage. Whether your business is devastated or merely derailed by a snow storm or other bad weather depends a lot on how well you prepare. Use these tips as a starting point for facing bad weather and storm damage with ease.

What Kind Of Water Damage Affects Your Business

10/26/2022 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  2. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  3. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health issues, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

Protect Your Business From A Fire

10/20/2022 (Permalink)

Fires in Commercial Buildings can cause a great amount of damage, but there are three easy things a business can do to prevent the most common commercial building fires. 

  1. Surprisingly, the top cause of commercial building fires is cooking fires. But a fire extinguisher placed near the kitchen area can give employees the power to stop a small cooking fire from spreading.  Be sure to train your employees on how to use the extinguisher and make sure they are still in good working condition.
  2. Fire alarms can save lives and property from damage, yet many are left unchecked and are not properly maintained. Be sure to check the fire alarm in your building or office to make sure that it working correctly.
  3. A commercial fire sprinkler system can put out a potentially deadly fire in a commercial building. Have the one in your commercial building tested annually.

Be sure that your business has what it needs to protect itself from a crippling fire and be proactive in helping prevent damage to your business by following these three easy guidelines.

If you do experience a fire in your commercial building, call the experts at SERVPRO.


Is Your Business Winter Ready?

10/20/2022 (Permalink)

Cold weather can have a huge impact on your home or business if you are not properly prepared. Whether it is heavy rain, freezing temperatures, damaging winds, sleet or snow, all can cause serious and costly property damage. While you cannot control the weather, you can take steps to be prepared and help take the sting out of winter weather.

To help prevent costly damages due to weather, consider taking the following precautions to protect your property before colder weather hits.

  • Check your business property for downed tree limbs and branches. Weather, such as wind, heavy rain, ice and snow, can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to the property and potentially cause personal injuries.
  • Roofs, water pipes and gutters should all be inspected to ensure they are in proper working order. Gutter downspouts should be directed away from your building. Clear gutters of debris that may have gathered during the fall. Leaves and other obstructions can lead to a damming effect, that can lead to roof damage and interior water problems.
  • Inspect property, especially walkways and parking lots, for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazer potential.
  • Inspect all handrails, stairwells and entryways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present.
  • Protect water pipes from freezing by simply allowing water to drip when temperatures dip below freezing. If pipes are under a cabinet, leave the cabinet doors open allowing warm inside air to circulate around the pipes. If the building has outdoor faucets, consider shutting water off at the main valve in the basement or crawl space. Once the valve is off, open the outdoor faucet to ensure it drains, preventing any remaining water from freezing in the pipe.

When winter weather strikes, call SERVPRO of West Concord to strike back! We can provide anything from temporary heat, desiccant dehumidification to water damage cleanup and repair. 

Can Water Damage Affect The Business?

7/19/2022 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  2. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  3. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health issues, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

Making Your Business Disaster Free

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

Many businesses are not prepared to respond to a man-made or natural disaster. Statistics show that, of the businesses that close because of a disaster, at least one in four never reopens. Small businesses are particularly at risk because they may have all of their operations concentrated in one location that is damaged or destroyed. That is why disaster planning is a critical part of every business’ operational objectives.

SERVPRO of West Concord is an experienced specialist in the mitigation and restoration of commercial properties of all shapes and sizes. We have a long history of dealing with business interruptions and working expediently to get these businesses back up and operating quickly.

Water extraction, humidity control, emergency power, document drying, emergency lighting, electronics cleaning, textile cleaning, temporary power, temporary fencing are among the services that SERVPRO of West Concord can handle to help get a business under control and secured.

Being a leader in the commercial restoration industry requires a lot more than simply drying a building. It revolves around putting in place the right strategy for getting the business back up and running as quickly as possible. The longer a business is offline due to an emergency the more customers they stand to lose to competitors.

SERVPRO of West Concord provides an Emergency Response Profile (ERP) as a FREE service. This ERP is a concise and individual report that puts all the information in one place that a business needs in case of a disaster. Contact SERVPRO of West Concord to schedule for your free visit and report that places all the information you will need in one booklet, binder, or flash drive to help you get the help you need when you need it.

Fire Prevention For A Small Business

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

If a fire breaks out in your office, responding promptly and effectively can keep your employees safe and prevent damage to the premises and valuable equipment. As a business owner responsible for the safety of your employees, drawing up and sharing a fire safety pan with your team and your city fire protective service is essential.

As a general rule, a fire safety plan provides relevant information about a building’s layout, its fire protection systems and equipment, and its emergency evacuation procedures. If you don’t own the building, the owner should hopefully have a fire plan that you can review and adapt for your business. However, to ensure you’re following best practice, contact your local fire prevention department for a template or guidelines.

The plan should include floor plans that show evacuation routes from each floor, along with fire exits, places of refuge and external meeting points. An additional floor plan designed to aid the fire department should show fire protection systems, and include a description of the building, along with potential access issues for fire fighters. The plan should also specify how the fire alarm system operates and whether it communicates directly with your local fire service as well as the nature of fire protection equipment, such as extinguishers and sprinklers, and the location of standpipe and hose systems. There are normally additional requirements for tall buildings and industrial units.

An important element of your plan is an up-to-date list of your staff, contractors and visitors on site, enabling an audit in the event of a fire. This list can also indicate team members with specified fire safety responsibilities. To ensure all employees are aware of your fire safety plan and what to do if they discover a fire, make this part of on boarding, and carry out regular drills help ensure all your employees become familiar with evacuation routes.

Putting together a fire safety plan might feel like a chore, but there are no short cuts when it comes to safeguarding your people and your livelihood. A well- thought-out plan gives everyone peace of mind and helps the fire service do its job effectively.

Against The Mold

7/5/2022 (Permalink)

Why should you worry about mold in your building? According to OSHA, some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts. Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

Clean out Trash Cans

While you might switch out the liners regularly, can you remember the last time you washed out the trash cans? It’s easy for bits of food and condensation to sneak beneath liners into the can, which is all mold needs to grow. Try washing out office wastebaskets about once a month to prevent mold growth.

Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Leaks aren’t the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

Look for and Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, and more can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you aren’t regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to o unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem. Watch for telltale signs of a leak. 

Common Causes For Commercial Fires

6/1/2022 (Permalink)


If you own a business or manage a building, fire protection should be among your primary concerns. There are many instances of commercial fires, so it is always best to be prepared with proper fire safety precautions. One of your best defenses against commercial fires is to understand and mitigate your risks.

Most Common Causes of Commercial Fires

Commercial fires are more common than you may think. It is always better to be prepared by knowing the common causes of most of these commercial fires. By knowing what may cause a commercial fire, your business can take proper precautions to prevent damage to your property.

Cooking Equipment

When you think of buildings with cooking equipment, restaurants probably come to mind first. However, any business that serves food is likely to have a kitchen area. Because of high cooking temperatures, flammable oils and grease, and the hectic nature of commercial kitchens, this is the single most common cause of commercial fires.

Cooking equipment is responsible for:

  • 65% of fires in healthcare facilities
  • 61% of fires in restaurants
  • 38% of fires in educational institutions
  • 29% of fires in office properties
  • 13% of fires in stores and mercantile properties

Heating Equipment

Depending on the climate, commercial buildings require heat to stay comfortable for several months of the year. As with other mechanical equipment, furnaces, boilers, and radiators are at risk of overheating. This, in turn, can lead to a fire.

Heating equipment is responsible for:

  • 14% of fires in industrial or manufacturing properties
  • 11% of fires in office properties
  • 9% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities

Electrical & Lighting Equipment

All modern buildings feature electrical wiring behind the wall for light and power. Unfortunately, electricity carries inherent fire risk. Old or defective wiring, overloaded circuits, loose connections, faulty fuses, imbalanced electrical loads, and many other electrical or lighting problems can develop that lead to overheating or sparks that ignite a fire.

Electrical problems are responsible for:

  • 12% of fires in office properties
  • 10% of fires in stores and mercantile properties
  • 9% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities

Smoking Materials

Lighted cigars, cigarettes, and other smoking materials can start fires if disposed of improperly. Fortunately, the rate of fires caused by smoking materials has decreased in recent years because of declining popularity and the introduction of “fire safe” cigarettes with reduced ignition strength. Still, smoking materials remain one of the top five most common causes of commercial fires.

Smoking materials are responsible for:

  • 9% of fires in office properties
  • 7% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities


An intentional fire is one that occurs as the result of the deliberate misuse of a heat source. Arson fits into this category, though to be considered arson, the fire starter must have malicious, criminal intent.

Intentional fire-starting is responsible for:

  • 36% of fires in educational institutions
  • 10% of fires in office properties
  • 6% of fires in healthcare facilities
  • 4% of fires in restaurants

Preparing for a Disaster

4/28/2022 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  2. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  3. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health issues, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

Disaster Recovery Is Here

3/24/2022 (Permalink)

Natural disasters have an enormous impact on small businesses, especially start-ups and cash-only businesses. The livelihood of both the owner and employees are jeopardized, an a plan must be in place to protect all parties involved. The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that 40% of small businesses fail to re-open after a natural disaster. With preparation, you can greatly increase the chance of your business recovering.

An emergency plan should be formed when the business is formed. Insurance becomes a key component of this plan, requiring careful consideration of all assets and deciding on the best insurance policy. For example, will natural disaster or looting insurance be included or added on later? Use the following steps as a guide to develop a post-disaster plan to keep your business running after an emergency.

  • Follow up with employees: Address their concerns, and note if they are able to find temporary work or aid in the recovery process.
  • Develop a communication strategy: Delegate someone trusted to communicate with disaster relief services, suppliers, and financial institutions
  • Keep your data safe: Have a back-up of your business' files in multiple locations. Consider cloud based services since the data is stored remotely and can be accessed from multiple devices.
  • Seek a restoration expert: Restoration companies such as ours will come to your aid to listen to your concerns, minimize loss, fix damages, and find the best value out of your insurance coverage.
  • File an insurance claim: Examine policy and make sure there are no gaps. Also ask the questions, "Are additional damages covered? What are my deductibles?"
  • Disaster loan assistance: There are various government agencies and organizations that can help your business recover. Visit the U.S. Small Business Administration websiteto learn about their Disaster Loan Program to help fix property and restock supplies.

Preparation is vital to recovering from any disaster; no one is immune. With the right plan, your chance of re-opening will increase significantly. SERVPRO of West Concord is ready to answer your call and restore your small business back to new.

Water Damage Affect Your Business

3/17/2022 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  2. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  3. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health issues, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

Facing Natural Disasters With A Small Business

11/10/2021 (Permalink)

Natural disasters have an enormous impact on small businesses, especially start-ups and cash-only businesses. The livelihood of both the owner and employees are jeopardized, an a plan must be in place to protect all parties involved. The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that 40% of small businesses fail to re-open after a natural disaster. With preparation, you can greatly increase the chance of your business recovering.

An emergency plan should be formed when the business is formed. Insurance becomes a key component of this plan, requiring careful consideration of all assets and deciding on the best insurance policy. For example, will natural disaster or looting insurance be included or added on later? Use the following steps as a guide to develop a post-disaster plan to keep your business running after an emergency.

  • Follow up with employees: Address their concerns, and note if they are able to find temporary work or aid in the recovery process.
  • Develop a communication strategy: Delegate someone trusted to communicate with disaster relief services, suppliers, and financial institutions
  • Keep your data safe: Have a back-up of your business' files in multiple locations. Consider cloud based services since the data is stored remotely and can be accessed from multiple devices.
  • Seek a restoration expert: Restoration companies such as ours will come to your aid to listen to your concerns, minimize loss, fix damages, and find the best value out of your insurance coverage.
  • File an insurance claim: Examine policy and make sure there are no gaps. Also ask the questions, "Are additional damages covered? What are my deductibles?"
  • Disaster loan assistance: There are various government agencies and organizations that can help your business recover. Visit the U.S. Small Business Administration website to learn about their Disaster Loan Program to help fix property and restock supplies.

Preparation is vital to recovering from any disaster; no one is immune. With the right plan, your chance of re-opening will increase significantly. SERVPRO of West Concord is ready to answer your call and restore your small business back to new.

Protecting Your Commercial Building From Fire

10/28/2021 (Permalink)

Fires in Commercial Buildings can cause a great amount of damage, but there are three easy things a business can do to prevent the most common commercial building fires. 

  1. Surprisingly, the top cause of commercial building fires is cooking fires. But a fire extinguisher placed near the kitchen area can give employees the power to stop a small cooking fire from spreading.  Be sure to train your employees on how to use the extinguisher and make sure they are still in good working condition.
  2. Fire alarms can save lives and property from damage, yet many are left unchecked and are not properly maintained. Be sure to check the fire alarm in your building or office to make sure that it working correctly.
  3. A commercial fire sprinkler system can put out a potentially deadly fire in a commercial building. Have the one in your commercial building tested annually.

Be sure that your business has what it needs to protect itself from a crippling fire and be proactive in helping prevent damage to your business by following these three easy guidelines.

If you do experience a fire in your commercial building, call the experts at SERVPRO.


Commercial Water Losses In Your Building

10/28/2021 (Permalink)

Stabilize Structure After Water Damage

After a severe water damage event like a flood or major interior water leak. Your building might have suffered some structural damage. To remedy this, your restoration contractor will need to fix these problems before finishing out the building.

Structural problems could include things like:

  • Roof damage that is causing leaks
  • Wood rotted from water damage or saturation
  • Shifting soils that undermine your building’s foundation
  • Rusted or weakened building components like metal studs and fasteners
  • Leaning or damaged window and door frames

Replace Water Damaged Mechanical & Electrical

HVAC and other mechanical equipment may need to be replaced.

Electrical wiring, conduit and outlets may need to be replaced due to corrosion.

Water saturation in electrical motors or electrical infrastructure can cause irreparable damage.

Light fixtures may require replacement.

Local code may dictate some of replacement requirements as well.

Replace Water Damaged Windows & Doors

Depending on the source of the leak and how deep the water accumulated.

You might need to replace some windows and doors.

Roof leaks or pipe leaks inside ceilings can flow down and around windows.

When that happens.

Wood framing or window components may swell or warp, rendering the windows useless.

With any standing water, you may need to replace your doors.

Hiring The Right Water Damage Cleanup Company

Finding the right water damage restoration company for your needs doesn’t have to be tough.

While you’ll likely be in a rush to get someone out as soon as possible, you still need to ask plenty of questions to ensure you’re making the right choice.

Here are a few tips to help with the hiring process.

Ask About Experience with Commercial Water Damage Cleanup

There are a ton of water damage cleanup companies out there. However not all of them specialize in commercial services. Most cater to residential customers that require a different set of needs.

Ask about certification by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Determine Cost for Water Damage Cleanup Services

Some providers work by the entire job.

Others have a running list of totals where each action or use of equipment means a separate charge.

Insurance Experience

Most commercial building owners want their insurance to cover the cost of repairs.

Which is highly understandable considering the scope of the work that needs to be done.

Advanced Strategies Against Massive Mold

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Mold colonization can be a dangerous and threatening situation for homes, especially when the situation goes unchecked and unresolved. While you might not necessarily believe that you need the services of professional mold remediation technicians like our SERVPRO team, there are many reasons that you might reconsider. The first of these is how quickly this situation can get out of control if allowed to grow and spread unabated. Without addressing the underlying cause of the colonies, they can continue to grow and thrive unchallenged.

Our SERVPRO professionals have advanced training and education in the remediation of mold damage from West Concord homes through the IICRC. This continual coursework ensures that we can provide our customers with technicians that have the confidence and expertise to address even widespread mold concerns immediately. Once we have arrived at your address, we can begin to assessing the full scope of the damage and working with our production management leadership to determine the best recovery solution for the property.

Our strategies for colony removal vary depending on the material hosting an organism and where the mold has gotten discovered within the property. How severe this colonization has become also plays a role in the best solution for removing it. Lighter presences, for example, can often get remedied by the application of our efficient antimicrobial spray. This product can kill off the spores spreading within the material, effectively starving out the entire hyphae and eliminating the organism.

The remediation professionals of our SERVPRO team also have effective strategies for removing more deeply rooted organisms spreading throughout your property. If you’ve noticed mold growth in your home or business call us at SERVPRO of West Concord at (925) 681-9093.

Being Prepared For Bad Weather

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Business owners control many things, but weather isn’t one of them. Be it a snow storm, heavy rain or flooding, sooner or later, bad weather is bound to cause an inevitable hiccup in your business. Are you ready? The time to prepare is not when the forecast predicts a hurricane. Check out these ways to prepare your business for bad weather in West Concord long before it shows up.

Create a Bad Weather Plan

Surprisingly, while business owners make a written plan for many things, weather isn’t always one of them. But bad weather can create a perfect storm of issues, from pipe burst issues to logistical problems. Before those worst cases scenarios become realities, come up with a plan for how to operate in bad weather. It should cover

  • Who will communicate with employees in a weather crisis
  • Evacuation or shelter
  • What the overall business weather policy is

There are times when weather poses immediate danger. One example is if a snow storm leads to a fallen tree or debris that damages part of your facility. Having a plan for leaving the building is ideal for such scenarios. Outline the route employees should take to safety and have appropriate maps to ensure everyone knows how to get out. After your employees, protecting your building is the next priority. Invest in backup generators to keep critical devices running and safe while you’re out of the office for bad weather. If flooding is expected, gather sandbags for doors and windows and consider moving furniture and electrical equipment to higher levels to prevent water damage. Whether your business is devastated or merely derailed by a snow storm or other bad

weather depends a lot on how well you prepare. Use these tips as a starting point for facing bad weather and storm damage with ease.

Are Prepared For A National Disaster

10/21/2021 (Permalink)

Many businesses are not prepared to respond to a man-made or natural disaster. Statistics show that, of the businesses that close because of a disaster, at least one in four never reopens. Small businesses are particularly at risk because they may have all of their operations concentrated in one location that is damaged or destroyed. That is why disaster planning is a critical part of every business’ operational objectives.

SERVPRO of West Concord is an experienced specialist in the mitigation and restoration of commercial properties of all shapes and sizes. We have a long history of dealing with business interruptions and working expediently to get these businesses back up and operating quickly.

Water extraction, humidity control, emergency power, document drying, emergency lighting, electronics cleaning, textile cleaning, temporary power, temporary fencing are among the services that SERVPRO of West Concord can handle to help get a business under control and secured.

Being a leader in the commercial restoration industry requires a lot more than simply drying a building. It revolves around putting in place the right strategy for getting the business back up and running as quickly as possible. The longer a business is offline due to an emergency the more customers they stand to lose to competitors.

SERVPRO of West Concord provides an Emergency Response Profile (ERP) as a FREE service. This ERP is a concise and individual report that puts all the information in one place that a business needs in case of a disaster. Contact SERVPRO of West Concord to schedule for your free visit and report that places all the information you will need in one booklet, binder, or flash drive to help you get the help you need when you need it.

SERVPRO of West Concord provides each certified estimator with a kit that helps provide damage estimates during your homes initial inspection. This kit helps test fire and smoke residues on your home’s structure and contents to determine whether restoration through cleaning remains possible.

If you agree to allow SERVPRO to handle the fire restoration in your home, we work with your insurance adjuster to stay within your policy limits and keep you informed throughout the process. We can provide you with quality cleaning and restoration services that help limit any losses you might experience. If you have concerns about specific areas of your home or want special attention given to family heirlooms, make sure to let your on-site restoration supervisor know.

SERVPRO of West Concord technicians handle a variety of specialty fire restoration services that focus on electronics, art, collectibles, books, and other personal belongings. Even if we do not offer these services directly, we have a relationship with a sub-contractor who does. Full-service solutions you can count on while you direct your attention to keeping your family safe.

SERVPRO of West Concord provides quality fire damage solutions to customers throughout Concord and surrounding areas. Call today to begin work with a cleaning and restoration company that you can trust to deliver quality results. (925) 681-9093.

Recovery from Disaster when it hits

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

Careful planning and strategizing is a key part of being a business owner, both for all of your everyday business decisions and when it comes to emergencies. Disasters devastate businesses every single year, leaving many business owners confused and unsure of how and if they will be able to reopen. Through careful planning, you can mitigate quite a bit of this uncertainty.

When you are considering how a disaster could impact your business, the first thing to be aware of is safety. Plan ahead to make sure you and your staff will be safe when a dangerous situation arises, and then consider how you will recover if there is damage to your building. Your restoration provider, your insurance company and your customers will all want to keep in touch, and you will have many resources available to you from organizations for financial assistance.

Ensuring Your Business Can Recover From a Disaster

Make contact with your insurance and restoration providers. No two commercial insurance policies are the same, so getting in touch with your insurance provider quickly after damage occurs is recommended. The process of filing a claim will vary, but once you get the details settled with your insurance company, you should reach out to your restoration provider as quickly as you are able so they can begin working on the damages.

Give customers updates on your status. Because of social media, it is easier than ever to keep in touch with your customers in real-time—and after a disaster, you absolutely should. Consider providing updates on your reopening timeline and any options customers have for supporting you while you work to recover (i.e. purchasing gift cards, making online orders, etc.).

Consider all your options for assistance. While a disaster is always a difficult thing to endure, business owners do have plenty of resources available for recovery through the Small Business Administration. Their disaster loan program is quite possibly the biggest help, as it is easy to qualify for, offers flexible repayment solutions and provides financial assistance for a variety of post-disaster expenses incurred.

How Hot Water Can Damage Your Business

10/20/2021 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  2. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  3. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health effects, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

A Diligent Plan To Deal With Fire Damage

10/13/2021 (Permalink)

A complete plan includes the following elements:

  • A quick response from fire remediation specialists
  • Action to secure the building from looters
  • Equipment in place to deal with water removal
  • A dry-cleaning strategy for uniforms and other fabrics
  • The storage of contents
  • The restoration of the building

All of these steps are necessary to get your business up and running again. The fire remediation professionals will work quickly to restore your building to its condition before the fire happened.

Why Content Cleaning Is Crucial

When a fire sweeps through your commercial building, there is likely to be some structural damage. There will also be damage from smoke and soot and this will have to be addressed before the building will be functional again. Specialized equipment in the hands of trained technicians will be needed. For clothes, dry-cleaning is the most effective approach, as it removes smoke odors and cleans away soot. For non-porous items, ultrasonic measures provide the best cleaning.

Another immediate concern is removing the excess moisture in the building. This can come from flooding due to a storm or from the efforts of the fire fighting crew. ventilation devices, scrubbers, and thermal foggers are employed to remove excess water and humidity. This is a crucial task to make certain mold doesn't begin to grow in areas of the building. Water removal will also help with retaining the viability of electrical equipment such as computer software and hardware. Content storage may be needed to remove items from the building while the cleanup is going on. This gets the items out of the way and keeps them protected while the work is going on.

Relying on a smart plan is the quickest way to recover after a commercial fire. Actions such as dry-cleaning, water removal, and drying allow your business to get up and running as rapidly as possible.

What Causes Commercial Fires?

10/13/2021 (Permalink)


If you own a business or manage a building, fire protection should be among your primary concerns. There are many instances of commercial fires, so it is always best to be prepared with proper fire safety precautions. One of your best defenses against commercial fires is to understand and mitigate your risks.

Most Common Causes of Commercial Fires

Commercial fires are more common than you may think. It is always better to be prepared by knowing the common causes of most of these commercial fires. By knowing what may cause a commercial fire, your business can take proper precautions to prevent damage to your property.

Cooking Equipment

When you think of buildings with cooking equipment, restaurants probably come to mind first. However, any business that serves food is likely to have a kitchen area. Because of high cooking temperatures, flammable oils and grease, and the hectic nature of commercial kitchens, this is the single most common cause of commercial fires.

Cooking equipment is responsible for:

  • 65% of fires in healthcare facilities
  • 61% of fires in restaurants
  • 38% of fires in educational institutions
  • 29% of fires in office properties
  • 13% of fires in stores and mercantile properties

Heating Equipment

Depending on the climate, commercial buildings require heat to stay comfortable for several months of the year. As with other mechanical equipment, furnaces, boilers, and radiators are at risk of overheating. This, in turn, can lead to a fire.

Heating equipment is responsible for:

  • 14% of fires in industrial or manufacturing properties
  • 11% of fires in office properties
  • 9% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities

Electrical & Lighting Equipment

All modern buildings feature electrical wiring behind the wall for light and power. Unfortunately, electricity carries inherent fire risk. Old or defective wiring, overloaded circuits, loose connections, faulty fuses, imbalanced electrical loads, and many other electrical or lighting problems can develop that lead to overheating or sparks that ignite a fire.

Electrical problems are responsible for:

  • 12% of fires in office properties
  • 10% of fires in stores and mercantile properties
  • 9% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities

Smoking Materials

Lighted cigars, cigarettes, and other smoking materials can start fires if disposed of improperly. Fortunately, the rate of fires caused by smoking materials has decreased in recent years because of declining popularity and the introduction of “fire safe” cigarettes with reduced ignition strength. Still, smoking materials remain one of the top five most common causes of commercial fires.

Smoking materials are responsible for:

  • 9% of fires in office properties
  • 7% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities


An intentional fire is one that occurs as the result of the deliberate misuse of a heat source. Arson fits into this category, though to be considered arson, the fire starter must have malicious, criminal intent.

Intentional fire-starting is responsible for:

  • 36% of fires in educational institutions
  • 10% of fires in office properties
  • 6% of fires in healthcare facilities
  • 4% of fires in restaurants

Commercial Water Damage Mitigation Procedures

7/16/2021 (Permalink)

If you have a water emergency at your business such as a pipe burst cleanup or other flooding scenario, you'll need to call on the services of a professional water cleanup company to ensure that the job is done right. A restoration company will take the following steps to deal with the damage:

  1. Inspect and Diagnose

Once you make the call, the water mitigation company will come to the scene to make an inspection and test the water in order to determine which specialized equipment and methods are best suited to fixing the damage. 

2. Haul Out Contents
As soon as the situation is assessed, any items in the affected area, such as office equipment, electronics, furniture and documents, will be removed to a safe, dry area. Items will be sorted to determine what can and cannot be saved. Whatever can be salvaged will be cleaned, dried, deodorized and sanitized using specialized equipment and cleaning agents.

3. Extract the Water
Once everything has been taken out of the area, the water removal can begin. Depending on the cause of the water damage, whether it's a pipe burst cleanup, a supply line cleanup or removal of sewer water, different high-efficiency equipment will be used to remove the mess. Specialized sump pumps and trash pumps, in addition to truck-mounted water extractors, will be used to suck out as much moisture as possible. Any contaminated surfaces will be thoroughly sanitized.

4. Dry and Dehumidify
After the bulk of the water is extracted, steps will be taken to remove excess humidity from the air and moisture from hard-to-reach places. Heavy-duty air movers and dehumidifiers will be brought in to make sure everything is completely dry.

5. Restore
When everything has been completely dried and disinfected, structural restoration can begin. This might entail only minor repairs and painting or require the complete rebuilding of entire rooms, depending on the severity of the damage. 

Make Sure You Have A Fire Extinguisher In Your Commercial Building

6/30/2021 (Permalink)

Fire extinguishers are required in all commercial buildings in California, and there are specific requirements regarding training of your employees in many areas of fire prevention and safety.

Cal OSHA regulations stipulate that fire extinguishers must be placed in areas that the employees can easily access, such as in a cabinet or mounted to a wall.  They should be placed near exits to reduce the risk that people will be trapped by fire inside a building.  OSHA regulations also mandate that all employees must be trained on the basic principles of using fire extinguishers, as well as the hazards that are typically involved with firefighting.  They should also be trained on the process for reporting a fire, how to evaluate the size of a fire, and how to keep an exit route in good condition in your place of work.

Training must be provided to every new employee, for employees assigned to emergency response teams, and to all other employees on an annual basis.  In order to be safe, make sure your company is following all of these guidelines.

In the unfortunate event that your business does experience a fire, call the professionals at SERVPRO 

Help Protect Your Commercial Building From Fire

6/18/2021 (Permalink)

Fires in Commercial Buildings can cause a great amount of damage, but there are three easy things a business can do to prevent the most common commercial building fires. 

  1. Surprisingly, the top cause of commercial building fires is cooking fires. But a fire extinguisher placed near the kitchen area can give employees the power to stop a small cooking fire from spreading.  Be sure to train your employees on how to use the extinguisher and make sure they are still in good working condition.
  2. Fire alarms can save lives and property from damage, yet many are left unchecked and are not properly maintained. Be sure to check the fire alarm in your building or office to make sure that it working correctly.
  3. A commercial fire sprinkler system can put out a potentially deadly fire in a commercial building. Have the one in your commercial building tested annually.

Be sure that your business has what it needs to protect itself from a crippling fire and be proactive in helping prevent damage to your business by following these three easy guidelines.

If you do experience a fire in your commercial building, call the experts at SERVPRO.


Protecting Your Commercial Building From Water Leaks

6/16/2021 (Permalink)

Undetected water leaks can cause a great amount of damage, especially if they continue for an extended period of time.  Here are a few of the most common types of leaks in commercial properties and how to fix them.

  • Faucet Leaks – With frequent use, faucet parts can wear out over time and when the seal or other components begin to leak, it can lead to water loss. This can substantially increase your water bill as well as cause major damage to your building.  In order to avoid loss, prepare any dripping sinks as soon as you see them start to leak.
  • Toilet Leaks – Like faucets, toilets have a number of parts that can deteriorate and lead to issues. One faulty or leaking part leads to other damage, so be sure to replace toilet components as soon as you see them begin to deteriorate. 
  • Underground Leaks – These types of leaks can often go undetected, but there are tell-tail signs of their existence, such as areas of wet soil, areas where grass or plants are growing faster than surrounding areas (due to increased water supply from your leak), and a significant rise in your water bill.
  • Hidden Leaks – These types of leaks are the most difficult to detect, but can cause the most damage because they remain undetected for long periods of time. If you notice water marks or swelling of walls, ceilings and floors, you likely have a hidden leak. 

If any of these types of leaks are detected in your commercial building, call the professionals at SERVPRO


Commercial Water Loss

5/28/2021 (Permalink)

Stabilize Structure After Water Damage

After a severe water damage event like a flood or major interior water leak. Your building might have suffered some structural damage. To remedy this, your restoration contractor will need to fix these problems before finishing out the building.

Structural problems could include things like:

  • Roof damage that is causing leaks
  • Wood rotted from water damage or saturation
  • Shifting soils that undermine your building’s foundation
  • Rusted or weakened building components like metal studs and fasteners
  • Leaning or damaged window and door frames

Replace Water Damaged Mechanical & Electrical

HVAC and other mechanical equipment may need to be replaced.

Electrical wiring, conduit and outlets may need to be replaced due to corrosion.

Water saturation in electrical motors or electrical infrastructure can cause irreparable damage.

Light fixtures may require replacement.

Local code may dictate some of replacement requirements as well.

Replace Water Damaged Windows & Doors

Depending on the source of the leak and how deep the water accumulated.

You might need to replace some windows and doors.

Roof leaks or pipe leaks inside ceilings can flow down and around windows.

When that happens.

Wood framing or window components may swell or warp, rendering the windows useless.

With any standing water, you may need to replace your doors.

Hiring The Right Water Damage Cleanup Company

Finding the right water damage restoration company for your needs doesn’t have to be tough.

While you’ll likely be in a rush to get someone out as soon as possible, you still need to ask plenty of questions to ensure you’re making the right choice.

Here are a few tips to help with the hiring process.

Ask About Experience with Commercial Water Damage Cleanup

There are a ton of water damage cleanup companies out there. However not all of them specialize in commercial services. Most cater to residential customers that require a different set of needs.

Ask about certification by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Determine Cost for Water Damage Cleanup Services

Some providers work by the entire job.

Others have a running list of totals where each action or use of equipment means a separate charge.

Insurance Experience

Most commercial building owners want their insurance to cover the cost of repairs.

Which is highly understandable considering the scope of the work that needs to be done.

What Does IICRC mean anyway for your commercial facility

4/13/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is an IICRC firm. The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) creates the standards for the restoration industry and provides training and certification to restoration companies. IICRC Certified Firms have the right to display the IICRC Certified Logo.

IICRC Certified Firms must

  • Present accurate information to consumers and conduct business with honesty and integrity.
  • Require a technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.
  • Require a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.
  • Maintain liability insurance to protect all parties in the event of an accident.
  • Maintain a written complaint policy and agree to Better Business Bureau or similar arbitration to resolve disputes, and accept the conclusions and recommendations of arbitration.

The IICRC Develops The Standards For The Restoration Industry

The IICRC has been the driving force in establishing the main industry standards and reference guides for professional carpet cleaning, water damage restoration and mold remediation. These IICRC standards take years to develop and require the coordination of experts in the field: manufacturers, industry organizations, insurance professionals, training schools, contractors, and public health professionals.

Every five years, the standards are reviewed and updated. The water damage restoration field changes rapidly with advancements in technology and science, and therefore the standards must evolve to keep pace.

Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration and we are an IICRC Certified Firm. We believe in continuous training: from initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

  • AMRT - Applied Microbial Remediation Technician
  • OSHA - 30-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program
  • CCT - Carpet Cleaning Technician
  • IICRC Certified Firm
  • ASD - Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • SRT - Fire & Smoke Damage Restoration Technician
  • OSHA - 10-hour General and/or Construction Industry Training Program
  • WRT - Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • OCT - Odor Control Technician

Did You Know?

3/15/2021 (Permalink)

Residues (such as burning plastics or the soot from furnace disorders) form long chains of ionized smoke particles that assemble in corners or at junctions of walls and ceilings called smoke webs!

Does Your Business Have a Plan?

Protect your people: Your employees are your most crucial business asset. These tips can help prevent them from being injured in a fire.

  • Fire Plans: Make sure your employees know what to do if there's a fire, including calling 911 immediately. Conduct a fire drill at least once a year to keep employees aware of your workplace fire safety protocol. 

  • Evacuation Plan: In larger buildings, post a fire evacuation plan in several spots around the workplace. Never include elevators in an evacuation plan; always use the stairs. 

  • First Aid: In case of fire injuries, your employees should be familiar with the location of the first-aid kit, which should be kept where possible hazards can occur most-such as in the kitchen.

Concord Fire | Fire Damage Concord| Concord Water damage | safety tips

Why is Professional Commercial Restoration Cleaning so Important?

11/3/2020 (Permalink)

Professional commercial restoration cleaning is among the most vital services available to owners of commercial property. Let’s face it, most commercial properties get a lot of wear and tear over the years, especially multifamily housing units and office complexes. Why is professional commercial restoration cleaning so important? You’re about to find out!

What Can Go Wrong, and Why You’ll Need a Professional Commercial Restoration Cleaning Service

There’s a lot that can go wrong with a commercial structure, especially if it’s an older one. Commercial buildings can be damaged by mold, water, fire, or most unfortunate of all, a sewage backup. You hear about that kind of stuff happening all the time, but most people never think that it could actually happen to their own properties. Unfortunately, it can, and as time goes on, the chances of experiencing at least one of the preceding types of damage rises steeply.

At this point, you might be thinking that you still won’t need a professional commercial restoration cleaning service because you’re on top of everything and confident that you can prevent any such damage. While confidence is great, you’re going to need something more than a little bravado to fall back on.

Fire is spontaneous, you never know when or how one might start, especially since it might not even start in your building at all. For example, say you did everything right, you bought a bunch of smoke detectors, had them installed, check them regularly, and replace the batteries. What happens if the owner of the building next to you didn’t do any of that stuff? What if that owner doesn’t have any functioning smoke detectors in their building and they have an ancient electrical system? The building will burn and it’ll probably set your building on fire too because they’re so close together, that’s what’s going to happen.

Now consider this, after paying a professional plumber to inspect and maintain the pipes in your building for several years, there’s a flood. No one has any control over flooding, it just happens, and always at the most inopportune time, it would seem.

Recovering at Your Business After a Disaster Strikes

10/29/2020 (Permalink)

Careful planning and strategizing is a key part of being a business owner, both for all of your everyday business decisions and when it comes to emergencies. Disasters devastate businesses every single year, leaving many business owners confused and unsure of how and if they will be able to reopen. Through careful planning, you can mitigate quite a bit of this uncertainty.

When you are considering how a disaster could impact your business, the first thing to be aware of is safety. Plan ahead to make sure you and your staff will be safe when a dangerous situation arises, and then consider how you will recover if there is damage to your building. Your restoration provider, your insurance company and your customers will all want to keep in touch, and you will have many resources available to you from organizations for financial assistance.

Ensuring Your Business Can Recover From a Disaster

Make contact with your insurance and restoration providers. No two commercial insurance policies are the same, so getting in touch with your insurance provider quickly after damage occurs is recommended. The process of filing a claim will vary, but once you get the details settled with your insurance company, you should reach out to your restoration provider as quickly as you are able so they can begin working on the damages.

Give customers updates on your status. Because of social media, it is easier than ever to keep in touch with your customers in real-time—and after a disaster, you absolutely should. Consider providing updates on your reopening timeline and any options customers have for supporting you while you work to recover (i.e. purchasing gift cards, making online orders, etc.).

Consider all your options for assistance. While a disaster is always a difficult thing to endure, business owners do have plenty of resources available for recovery through the Small Business Administration. Their disaster loan program is quite possibly the biggest help, as it is easy to qualify for, offers flexible repayment solutions and provides financial assistance for a variety of post-disaster expenses incurred.

A Comprehensive Plan To Deal With Fire Damage

10/29/2020 (Permalink)

A complete plan includes the following elements:

  • A quick response from fire remediation specialists
  • Action to secure the building from looters
  • Equipment in place to deal with water removal
  • A dry-cleaning strategy for uniforms and other fabrics
  • The storage of contents
  • The restoration of the building

All of these steps are necessary to get your business up and running again. The fire remediation professionals will work quickly to restore your building to its condition before the fire happened.

Why Content Cleaning Is Crucial

When a fire sweeps through your commercial building, there is likely to be some structural damage. There will also be damage from smoke and soot and this will have to be addressed before the building will be functional again. Specialized equipment in the hands of trained technicians will be needed. For clothes, dry-cleaning is the most effective approach, as it removes smoke odors and cleans away soot. For non-porous items, ultrasonic measures provide the best cleaning.

Another immediate concern is removing the excess moisture in the building. This can come from flooding due to a storm or from the efforts of the fire fighting crew. ventilation devices, scrubbers, and thermal foggers are employed to remove excess water and humidity. This is a crucial task to make certain mold doesn't begin to grow in areas of the building. Water removal will also help with retaining the viability of electrical equipment such as computer software and hardware. Content storage may be needed to remove items from the building while the cleanup is going on. This gets the items out of the way and keeps them protected while the work is going on.

Relying on a smart plan is the quickest way to recover after a commercial fire. Actions such as dry-cleaning, water removal, and drying allow your business to get up and running as rapidly as possible.

Disaster Recovery for Small Businesses

10/27/2020 (Permalink)

Natural disasters have an enormous impact on small businesses, especially start-ups and cash-only businesses. The livelihood of both the owner and employees are jeopardized, an a plan must be in place to protect all parties involved. The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that 40% of small businesses fail to re-open after a natural disaster. With preparation, you can greatly increase the chance of your business recovering.

An emergency plan should be formed when the business is formed. Insurance becomes a key component of this plan, requiring careful consideration of all assets and deciding on the best insurance policy. For example, will natural disaster or looting insurance be included or added on later? Use the following steps as a guide to develop a post-disaster plan to keep your business running after an emergency.

  • Follow up with employees: Address their concerns, and note if they are able to find temporary work or aid in the recovery process.
  • Develop a communication strategy: Delegate someone trusted to communicate with disaster relief services, suppliers, and financial institutions
  • Keep your data safe: Have a back-up of your business' files in multiple locations. Consider cloud based services since the data is stored remotely and can be accessed from multiple devices.
  • Seek a restoration expert: Restoration companies such as ours will come to your aid to listen to your concerns, minimize loss, fix damages, and find the best value out of your insurance coverage.
  • File an insurance claim: Examine policy and make sure there are no gaps. Also ask the questions, "Are additional damages covered? What are my deductibles?"
  • Disaster loan assistance: There are various government agencies and organizations that can help your business recover. Visit the U.S. Small Business Administration website to learn about their Disaster Loan Program to help fix property and restock supplies.

Preparation is vital to recovering from any disaster; no one is immune. With the right plan, your chance of re-opening will increase significantly. SERVPRO of West Concord is ready to answer your call and restore your small business back to new.

Commercial Mold remediation

10/19/2020 (Permalink)

Commercial Mold Remediation Presents Unique Challenges

Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. As in this case when the builder unknowingly put a few holes in the pipes during construction. 

Commercial property can quickly become infested with mold if a source of water is present. Mold can spread throughout a property in as little as 72 hours. Since mold can produce allergens and irritants, you should call us 24/7  to inspect your building if you suspect you have a mold problem. If mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation quickly, which will keep your business running and loss of revenue to a minimum. 

Mold can spread quickly through a property if left untreated. SERVPRO of Antioch can respond quickly, working to first contain and isolate the infestation to help prevent its spread to other parts of the building. Which is essential when you need to keep business going. 

Next, we will begin the remediation process, working safely and effectively to manage the situation. We have the training, experience, and equipment to contain the mold infestation and remediate it to pre loss condition.

Causes of Commercial Fires

10/19/2020 (Permalink)


If you own a business or manage a building, fire protection should be among your primary concerns. There are many instances of commercial fires, so it is always best to be prepared with proper fire safety precautions. One of your best defenses against commercial fires is to understand and mitigate your risks.

Most Common Causes of Commercial Fires

Commercial fires are more common than you may think. It is always better to be prepared by knowing the common causes of most of these commercial fires. By knowing what may cause a commercial fire, your business can take proper precautions to prevent damage to your property.

Cooking Equipment

When you think of buildings with cooking equipment, restaurants probably come to mind first. However, any business that serves food is likely to have a kitchen area. Because of high cooking temperatures, flammable oils and grease, and the hectic nature of commercial kitchens, this is the single most common cause of commercial fires.

Cooking equipment is responsible for:

  • 65% of fires in healthcare facilities
  • 61% of fires in restaurants
  • 38% of fires in educational institutions
  • 29% of fires in office properties
  • 13% of fires in stores and mercantile properties

Heating Equipment

Depending on the climate, commercial buildings require heat to stay comfortable for several months of the year. As with other mechanical equipment, furnaces, boilers, and radiators are at risk of overheating. This, in turn, can lead to a fire.

Heating equipment is responsible for:

  • 14% of fires in industrial or manufacturing properties
  • 11% of fires in office properties
  • 9% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities

Electrical & Lighting Equipment

All modern buildings feature electrical wiring behind the wall for light and power. Unfortunately, electricity carries inherent fire risk. Old or defective wiring, overloaded circuits, loose connections, faulty fuses, imbalanced electrical loads, and many other electrical or lighting problems can develop that lead to overheating or sparks that ignite a fire.

Electrical problems are responsible for:

  • 12% of fires in office properties
  • 10% of fires in stores and mercantile properties
  • 9% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities

Smoking Materials

Lighted cigars, cigarettes, and other smoking materials can start fires if disposed of improperly. Fortunately, the rate of fires caused by smoking materials has decreased in recent years because of declining popularity and the introduction of “fire safe” cigarettes with reduced ignition strength. Still, smoking materials remain one of the top five most common causes of commercial fires.

Smoking materials are responsible for:

  • 9% of fires in office properties
  • 7% of fires in restaurants
  • 5% of fires in healthcare facilities


An intentional fire is one that occurs as the result of the deliberate misuse of a heat source. Arson fits into this category, though to be considered arson, the fire starter must have malicious, criminal intent.

Intentional fire-starting is responsible for:

  • 36% of fires in educational institutions
  • 10% of fires in office properties
  • 6% of fires in healthcare facilities
  • 4% of fires in restaurants

How Water Damage Can Affect Your Business

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

Every business owner knows about risk; after all, starting a business is a risk in and of itself. Yet many business owners fail to consider the real possibility that they could be affected by disaster at any time, often when they least expect it. In fact, many commercial properties in the area have had water damages, which have negatively impacted businesses in several ways.

  1. Electronics can be destroyed. It’s no secret that water and electricity don’t mix, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that any affected electronics will likely be either faulty or unusable. Depending on your company’s reliance on technology, this can be an expensive blow to your operations. If you have important files, be sure to regularly back them up.
  1. Important documents can be ruined. Although most businesses have switched to digital records, we’ve found that many still have paper documents lying around the office. Unless you’ve already scanned these documents, water can cause documents to deteriorate and become effectively useless. Fortunately, our team has the ability to preserve wet documents, depending on the amount of damage.
  1. Mold can begin growing. Mold can be a major problem for any business. It can cause health issues, structural damage, and damage to your furniture and belongings. If water damage isn’t addressed quickly and thoroughly, it can encourage mold growth, which can occur in as quickly as 24-48 hours.

Water damage can do a number on your business, which is why it’s important you’re prepared if and when it occurs. If you do have water damage, you need to call professionals immediately. Our team at SERVPRO of West Concord is always available at 925-681-9093.

Tips to Prevent Mold in Your Commercial Business

10/27/2019 (Permalink)

Why should you worry about mold in your building? According to OSHA, some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts. Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

Clean out Trash Cans

While you might switch out the liners regularly, can you remember the last time you washed out the trash cans? It’s easy for bits of food and condensation to sneak beneath liners into the can, which is all mold needs to grow. Try washing out office wastebaskets about once a month to prevent mold growth.

Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Leaks aren’t the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

Look for and Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, and more can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you aren’t regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to o unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem. Watch for telltale signs of a leak. 

Disaster Recovery: Need to Know Facts for Small Business Owners

10/26/2019 (Permalink)

Natural disasters have an enormous impact on small businesses, especially start-ups and cash-only businesses. The livelihood of both the owner and employees are jeopardized, an a plan must be in place to protect all parties involved. The Federal Emergency Management Agency estimates that 40% of small businesses fail to re-open after a natural disaster. With preparation, you can greatly increase the chance of your business recovering.

An emergency plan should be formed when the business is formed. Insurance becomes a key component of this plan, requiring careful consideration of all assets and deciding on the best insurance policy. For example, will natural disaster or looting insurance be included or added on later? Use the following steps as a guide to develop a post-disaster plan to keep your business running after an emergency.

  • Follow up with employees: Address their concerns, and note if they are able to find temporary work or aid in the recovery process.
  • Develop a communication strategy: Delegate someone trusted to communicate with disaster relief services, suppliers, and financial institutions
  • Keep your data safe: Have a back-up of your business' files in multiple locations. Consider cloud based services since the data is stored remotely and can be accessed from multiple devices.
  • Seek a restoration expert: Restoration companies such as ours will come to your aid to listen to your concerns, minimize loss, fix damages, and find the best value out of your insurance coverage.
  • File an insurance claim: Examine policy and make sure there are no gaps. Also ask the questions, "Are additional damages covered? What are my deductibles?"
  • Disaster loan assistance: There are various government agencies and organizations that can help your business recover. Visit the U.S. Small Business Administration website to learn about their Disaster Loan Program to help fix property and restock supplies.

Preparation is vital to recovering from any disaster; no one is immune. With the right plan, your chance of re-opening will increase significantly. SERVPRO of West Concord is ready to answer your call and restore your small business back to new.

Getting Prepared for Bad Weather

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

Business owners control many things, but weather isn’t one of them. Be it a snow storm, heavy rain or flooding, sooner or later, bad weather is bound to cause an inevitable hiccup in your business. Are you ready? The time to prepare is not when the forecast predicts a hurricane. Check out these ways to prepare your business for bad weather in West Concord long before it shows up.

Create a Bad Weather Plan

Surprisingly, while business owners make a written plan for many things, weather isn’t always one of them. But bad weather can create a perfect storm of issues, from pipe burst issues to logistical problems. Before those worst cases scenarios become realities, come up with a plan for how to operate in bad weather. It should cover

  • Who will communicate with employees in a weather crisis
  • Evacuation or shelter
  • What the overall business weather policy is

There are times when weather poses immediate danger. One example is if a snow storm leads to a fallen tree or debris that damages part of your facility. Having a plan for leaving the building is ideal for such scenarios. Outline the route employees should take to safety and have appropriate maps to ensure everyone knows how to get out. After your employees, protecting your building is the next priority. Invest in backup generators to keep critical devices running and safe while you’re out of the office for bad weather. If flooding is expected, gather sandbags for doors and windows and consider moving furniture and electrical equipment to higher levels to prevent water damage. Whether your business is devastated or merely derailed by a snow storm or other bad weather depends a lot on how well you prepare. Use these tips as a starting point for facing bad weather and storm damage with ease.

What is a Small Business Fire Safety Plan?

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

If a fire breaks out in your office, responding promptly and effectively can keep your employees safe and prevent damage to the premises and valuable equipment. As a business owner responsible for the safety of your employees, drawing up and sharing a fire safety pan with your team and your city fire protective service is essential.

As a general rule, a fire safety plan provides relevant information about a building’s layout, its fire protection systems and equipment, and its emergency evacuation procedures. If you don’t own the building, the owner should hopefully have a fire plan that you can review and adapt for your business. However, to ensure you’re following best practice, contact your local fire prevention department for a template or guidelines.

The plan should include floor plans that show evacuation routes from each floor, along with fire exits, places of refuge and external meeting points. An additional floor plan designed to aid the fire department should show fire protection systems, and include a description of the building, along with potential access issues for fire fighters. The plan should also specify how the fire alarm system operates and whether it communicates directly with your local fire service as well as the nature of fire protection equipment, such as extinguishers and sprinklers, and the location of standpipe and hose systems. There are normally additional requirements for tall buildings and industrial units.

An important element of your plan is an up-to-date list of your staff, contractors and visitors on site, enabling an audit in the event of a fire. This list can also indicate team members with specified fire safety responsibilities. To ensure all employees are aware of your fire safety plan and what to do if they discover a fire, make this part of on boarding, and carry out regular drills help ensure all your employees become familiar with evacuation routes.

Putting together a fire safety plan might feel like a chore, but there are no short cuts when it comes to safeguarding your people and your livelihood. A well- thought-out plan gives everyone peace of mind and helps the fire service do its job effectively.

Is Your Business Prepared for Disaster?

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

Many businesses are not prepared to respond to a man-made or natural disaster. Statistics show that, of the businesses that close because of a disaster, at least one in four never reopens. Small businesses are particularly at risk because they may have all of their operations concentrated in one location that is damaged or destroyed. That is why disaster planning is a critical part of every business’ operational objectives.

SERVPRO of West Concord is an experienced specialist in the mitigation and restoration of commercial properties of all shapes and sizes. We have a long history of dealing with business interruptions and working expediently to get these businesses back up and operating quickly.

Water extraction, humidity control, emergency power, document drying, emergency lighting, electronics cleaning, textile cleaning, temporary power, temporary fencing are among the services that SERVPRO of West Concord can handle to help get a business under control and secured.

Being a leader in the commercial restoration industry requires a lot more than simply drying a building. It revolves around putting in place the right strategy for getting the business back up and running as quickly as possible. The longer a business is offline due to an emergency the more customers they stand to lose to competitors.

SERVPRO of West Concord provides an Emergency Response Profile (ERP) as a FREE service. This ERP is a concise and individual report that puts all the information in one place that a business needs in case of a disaster. Contact SERVPRO of West Concord to schedule for your free visit and report that places all the information you will need in one booklet, binder, or flash drive to help you get the help you need when you need it.